Apparently a lot.
(For some reason I can't resize this to make it fit. You can also view this clip here.)
Monday, August 22, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Amicus Brief filed to FL v HHS
Docs 4 Patient Care, Benjamin Rush Society, and Pacific Research Institute,
File Amicus Brief Against Obama Care

Hal Sherz, MD, FACS, FAAP, President and Founder of Docs 4 Patient Care said: “We believe that it is vitally important for a physician group to stand up and speak out on behalf of all of the doctors in this country who oppose this law, but feel disenfranchised and disheartened. As opposed to other medical organizations that have failed to stand up for its constituents and have instead urged them to accept the onerous changes being forced upon them by a statist administration, we are conveying hope by challenging the legality of this law and the brazen attempt of the government to control healthcare.”
Sally C. Pipes, founder of the Benjamin Rush Society and President and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute said: “We believe that the district court was correct that the mandates imposed by the federal government in the PPACA are not a constitutional exercise of governmental power. Forcing Americans to purchase expensive health insurance or face a penalty is not the responsibility of government. Doctors and patients – not the government -- should be in charge. Only then will America achieve affordable, accessible, quality care for all.”
Google docs web link of amicus brief
That's the official press release.
In my new role as Senior Health Policy Analyst for Docs 4 Patient Care, I was able to contribute behind the scenes by providing a comprehensive bibliography of peer-reviewed articles on cost-shifting in health care, as well as participate in strategy discussions while the brief was being written. Very exciting--and educational--process.
Although the D4PC leadership initially wanted to argue from fundamental principles, we were advised that such arguments, especially at the appellate level, would be dismissed almost out-of-hand because of the past 70 years of Supreme Court rulings on Commerce Clause interpretation. The more effective place for those more fundamental arguments is in the media and the political arena--places we are doing our best to speak out frequently and consistently.
If we are to rid ourselves of the PPACA and its disastrous effects on personal health care freedom, popular discontent must be loud and clear. Chances for complete repeal )after a successful 2012 election), as well as Supreme Court comfort with over-turning legislative action, both depend on public opinion of the law.
I am convinced that the more people know about the details, the more they will oppose the law.
Continue to write letters to the editor.
Speak up and speak out.
Invite conversations by wearing the Black Ribbon.
The battle for the sanctity of the private doctor-patient relationship is still going strong.
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